Friday 17 June 2011

What a load of crap

I thought for a start we could take a look at Sean's reaction to the temporary closure of the SNW forum Highgate threads.

Please note the continued insistance that it wasn't him posting all along under various usernames despite the overwhelming evidence to the contrary.
Also, some of us will be pleased to find we've been exposed to both barrels of his self-righteous vitriol....... all the while still trying to pretend it's not actually him.
I took the liberty of explaining to him that his secret was out earlier, nothing yet, but I wait with bated breath for his no doubt witty and charming reply :-))

1 comment:

  1. Well Jamie,
    I guess it was only a matter of time before the owner of the Supernatural World Forum (SNW) lost patience with Mr Manchester's self styled "Vampire Research Society" and all the posts that were being made under aliases and from one computer, as he has since made clear on the forum.
    This has inevitably resulted in the person and his aliases all being locked out - but not for want of trying, apparently. It is perhaps hardly surprising that all the person's fake posts fool hardly anybody...except perhaps himself!
    Anyway, I hope you will get some interesting response as this whole sbject has attracted the interest of a lot of people. But I wouldn't expect too much from the bonky person dressed in the teapot cosy. He's far too busy at the moment playing with his toy train set!
    For now
