Thursday, 20 October 2011

What's in a name

Hi all, sorry for the delay in posting, I've had a bit of a problem with a hacker of late, so I've been avoiding using this account. Hopefully alls sorted now so it's back to normal..... or as normal as it gets where the dotty deacon's involved. Anyhow, down to business.... As promised, here's some more usernames Sean uses (or has used) to hide behind. As you can see I've posted the whole page, so if I've mentioned any of them before I do apologise. While I don't condone it I can at least understand why Sean would want remain anonymous given some of the nasty stuff he does to people. What beats me though is that even when writing run of the mill stuff (which he does with monotonous regularity) he still feels the need to cower behind fake identities. Could it be he's ashamed of his past and of who he is...... Maybe! My guess though is that he's so ensnared in his web of bullshit, he wouldn't know the truth if it came up and bit him on the biretta! Come on Sean, be a man about it, like I've told you before, at least have the courage of your own convictions. Do you really expect people to believe your inane drivel when you start off by lying about who you really are. Thanks to Anthony for providing the link, and may I say, well put sir!

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