Saturday, 30 July 2011

Rave review

I was looking through the Amazon online shopping site recently when I came across this review of herr Mannys novel 'The Vampire Hunters Handbook' I've cut and pasted it in its entirety as you can see and I haven't made any alterations or deletions.

0 of 4 people found the following review helpful:
5.0 out of 5 stars Does exactly what it says on the tin..., 24 Dec 2006
By Veritas - See all my reviews
This review is from: The Vampire Hunter's Handbook: A Concise Vamprological Guide (Paperback)
This book is titled "Handbook" - on that basis one would expect it to be a practical guide to vampirology and the shadowy world of vampire hunters. And that's exactly what The Vampire Hunter's Handbook is, living up to its title with each and every page. Chapters discuss blood lust, tradition, antidotes, exorcisms, exhumations, invocations, garlic, mirrors, the Kirklees vampire case, the Highgate Vampire case, vampiroid syndrome, the occult and so much more. There are also some revealing full-page photographs.

Not only does this Handbook explain the methodology of real vampire hunters, past and present, but also those dabbling amateurs who raise a chuckle but never a vampire as they pursue publicity at almost any cost. One in particular ended up with a five years' prison sentence after scaling a cemetery wall to conjure up a vampire during a bizarre occult ceremony.

There is also a lot of interesting information about the conspiracy to stifle serious discussion about real vampires. Academics, authors, journalists and those with an interest in keeping us in "everlasting ignorance" about vampires come in for criticism with evidence of their seemingly intentional misrepresentation of the facts unearthed by such luminaries as Montague Summers and the book's author, Sean Manchester.

Both these gentleman took Holy Orders in the same independent Catholic Church and have become leading authorities on all things vampiric on a universal scale. Summers has been dead for almost six decades, but the book's author still appears regularly in serious film documentaries about the supernatural and exorcism.

I would heartily recommend The Vampire Hunter's Handbook, not just to those who find vampires fascinating but to anyone with an interest in Sean Manchester, the book's author, who is frequently misunderstood in a world which no longer believes in what he has spent his life pursuing, researching, discussing and writing about. Truly a man born out of his time!
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What a glowing tribute to the book and to the man....
The only problem is that (as I'm sure you are all fully aware) this whole pile of fawning garbage was written by one Veritas, aka Sean Manchester.

I particularly like the line "truly a man born out of his time"..... out of his mind more like. I notice he's even managed to fit in a pop at David (again). Is it just be just me or does his idiocy go from strength to strength.

Usually in this instance the cries of plagiarism would already be ringing out from Bournmouth but somehow in this case I don't think so, after all that would mean admitting he's Veritas.....and as we all know, that's never going to happen!


  1. The book is a farce and is nothing resembling a 'handbook' of vampire hunting. Of its 84 pages of actual text (how many pages constitute a book as opposed to a 'pamphlet' one may ask) 36 pages make direct and often elaborate references to David. There are also 3 photographs of him and 1 photo of an altar at his home. 50% of the photos and 43% of the text are about David - leaving a mere 48 pages to cover the serious and learned topic of vampire hunting. True devotion for you. As they say, there is often a fine line between love and hate....

  2. Thanks Anon, maybe he should've called it; Mannys' Farrant stalking Handbook'. The must-have guide for the professional Farrant stalker. At least he might have sold a few copies that way! :-))
